October 2019
With summertime upon us again, it's time for swimming lessons.
This week our club made a donation of 120 pairs of new swimming goggles to The Milpera State High School in Graceville, so their students don't have to share this year.
"Milpera State High School" is a special purpose state high school which teaches English language across curriculum areas.
It also provides settlement services to newly arrived immigrant and refugee background young people to prepare them for living and studying in Australia.
The average number of students at any one time is about 200 but, as there are continuous enrolments and exits, approximately 500 students will attend Milpera during each year.
This picture shows President Steve Bennett, President Elect Mary-Ellen Nielsen along with Franz Sauter from our club presenting the goggles to staff and some of the students at MSHS.
A huge thanks to Peter McMahon from McMahon's Swim Centre's for his assistance in sourcing the googles.