Tonight was the running of our Trivia Night, in support of Australian Rotary Health (ARH) and other community projects. ARH has a focus on funding research into mental health.

The venue was our meeting place in Corinda.

Past Presidents Ted Crowe and Margaret Willis where into the theme of the evening which was “Cluedo”, a board game from deep in my past.

Also very much in character were our President Elect, Mary-Ellen Nielsen (Miss Scarlett) and Fernanda (Mrs White).
Thanks must go to our naming sponsors “The Clue Detective Puzzle Agency” and everyone who contributed goods, services and time to make the event a huge success.

The round winning teams were treated to a wonderful basket of goodies, along with overall prizes for the top three teams.There were the usual raffle draws and the


The eventual winning team on the night, representing The Rotary Club of Brisbane Centenary, captained by their President, Craig Carson.