This morning the Rotary Club of Brisbane Taylor Bridge held its Annual Changeover Function. This year President Elect Steve Bennett decided on a breakfast meeting, held at the Brisbane Golf Club, Yeerongpilly. PP Margaret Willis did a sterling job as the MC for the function which was attended by the majority of our members. We were also joined by family and friends, and members from neighbouring Rotary Clubs. Special guests were our Immediate Past District Governor, Jitendra Prasad and his wife Nim, and our Assistant Governor, Wendy McIntosh. Prior to the Induction of the New President, the outgoing Presidential Team recognised some of the members for their contributions during the 2018/2019 Rotary Year.

Past President Stephen Ganko applauds a stunned Past President Ted Crowe when he is recognised with an additional Sapphire for his Paul Harris Fellow for his outstanding contributions throughout the year.

Past District Governor Jitendra presents Ted with his new PHF.

A member of the Presidential Team, Debra Calder (L) presents Mary-Ellen Nielsen with the Community Service Award for her work with Milperra School, Australian Rotary Health (ARH) and Rotary Overseas Medical Aid for Children (ROMAC).

2018/2019 President Jamie Knowlman present Steve Bennett with the Rotarian of the Year Award for being in almost everything, as well as keeping the books in good order.

Following the award presentations, Jamie inducted Steve as the President for 2019/2020. Steve then shared his vision for the coming Rotary Year, and introduced his board for the year.

Congratulations to all of the award recipients, and to Steve and his wife Chris, for putting together a great function.Photographs courtesy of Lachlan Clarke.