Last weekend, a group of our club members attended the 2019 Rotary District 9630 Conference at the Royal International Convention Centre in Bowen Hills.

Past President Craig Clarke, the Conference Registrar, along with the other organising committee members, from many clubs in our district, spent 18 months putting the conference program together.
PP Craig is pictured here in the “Bunker” prior to the start of the conference with PDG Chris Wright and DG Jitendra Prasad.
Speakers at the conference included

Craig Challen SC, OAM who spoke to us regarding his involvment in the rescue of the young footballers and their coach from the flooded cave system in Thailand.

Mark Huddleston and Michael McQueen, seen here swapping their latest publications.

Evan Burrell who spoke on the use of social media to lift and enhance the profile of you Rotary (or any club).Evan tells us that not all hero’s wear a cape.
Mark (Seaford, SA), Michael (Crows Nest, NSW) and Evan (Tunnmarra, NSW) are all Rotarians, and more information about them can be be found on their websites.